Zalety włoskich pomp głębinowych

Advantages of Italian deep pumps

Each area of ​​life requires tools that improve and shorten a given process, and are reliable and meet our expectations. It is no different during ...
Czy pompy głębinowe mogą pompować wodę pitną?

Can deep pumps pump drinking water?

Water is an amazing substance that life is impossible without. Its surprising properties are even the subject of research by scientists. I must adm...
Charakterystyka pomp membranowych

Characteristics of membrane pumps

There are many types of pumps available on the market. Individual models differ in parameters, specifics and purpose. If you are wondering what mem...
Wypompowywanie wody z zalanych pomieszczeń. Jak to zrobić?

Pumping water from flooded rooms. How to do it?

Flooding a room is an event that affects us unexpectedly. It can occur for many reasons, including due to thaws, violent rainfall, water supply fai...
Pompa peryferalna. Co to takiego?

Peripheral pump. What is that?

pompa peryferalna
In every field, we strive for efficiency and faster action. To achieve these goals, we must use tools tailored to a given situation. Each of them h...
Czy pompy głębinowe są odporne na piasek?

Are deep pumps resistant to sand?

Deep pumps are innovative devices that are widely used to pump utility or drinking water directly from borehouses and spinal wells. Depending on ou...
Pompy jedno i wielostopniowe. Porównanie

Single and multi -stage pumps. Comparison

Water is the basis of our lives on earth. Of course, we don't always say this word we mean something that we can use to drink. We refer to the liqu...
Pompy głębinowe w zastosowaniach rolniczych

Deep -sea pumps in agricultural applications

Water is an element that we can't imagine life without. And quite rightly, because man is necessary for functioning. However, this is not the end, ...
Zalety pomp obiegowych sterowanych elektronicznie

Advantages of electronically controlled circulation pumps

Efficiency and energy efficiency are two main features that play a huge role in today's industry. However, modern tools such as electronic control ...
Pompy zatapialne w zastosowaniach przemysłowych

Specific pumps in industrial applications

brudna woda
Industry is a field in which effects count. Of course, to achieve the intended goal, you need tools that combine reliability and excellent quality....