Jak dbać o pompy wodne?

Water pumps are able to replace waterworks and sewage systems. Thanks to them, it is possible to supply drinking water to the house, bring it a stream under high pressure to the indicated place and remove impurities from home toilets. Garden pumps are used to collect water from natural tanks, which is then intended for watering plants. In turn, in places without access to electricity, internal combustion pumps are ideal. Regardless of the type and function of the water pump, you need to carefully take care of it. So how?

Protect the pump from corrosion and use sealing fluids

The water pump, due to the environment in which it works, is primarily exposed to corrosion. To prevent it, use appropriate cooling liquids, with enough defroster. Do not pollute the cooling system with aggressive substances and do not mix liquids with you. Take care of the tightness of the pump, using the right means, and remember not to abuse them.

How to prevent mechanical damage?

Another factor affecting the failures of the offered by us depressed water pumps, there are various types of mechanical damage. So in order not to overheat the engine and do not damage the head gasket do not tighten the belt too much. When installing and dismantling the pump, use only tools for this. In turn, to prevent the jumping or breaking the gear belt, do not tension it too much or too weak. Its gear must be straightforward, and the tightening and leading discs are properly mounted.

It is also worth remembering that water with too much calcium leads to the calcification of individual parts of the pump. The salvation is to add demineralized water. Otherwise, you should take into account such damage as damage to the head seal, refrigeration cables, thermostat and the sliding ring, as well as overheating the engine. In our offer you will find high -quality deep -sea pumps, hydrophores, sewage and drainage pumps.

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