Pompa peryferalna. Co to takiego?

In every field, we strive for efficiency and faster action. To achieve these goals, we must use tools tailored to a given situation. Each of them has different parameters, and thus has a slightly different function. It is no different in the case of broadly used pumps. There are many types available, and each of them works slightly differently. In our article we discuss what the peripheral pump is and what works. What are its characteristics? And what can we use it for? You will learn this from our article.

Peripheral pump - what is it?

The peripheral pump (otherwise Peripheral Pump or Regenerative Pump) is a vortex pump enriched with additional parameters. Its main element is the rotor equipped with a set of short blades located on the outer circumference of the pump. Thanks to the proper setting of the entire mechanism, the said rotor swarth in a concentric collective channel.

What is The principle of operation of the peripheral pump? It turns out that the multiple circulation of the liquid between the palisade of the rotor blades and the collective channel causes an increase in pressure on the road from the suction to the discharge. It is thanks to this that the peripheral pumps get the highest lifting heights - the largest, because it is up to two hundred meters per degree. Such a result is a phenomenon among other similar types. In addition, peripheral pumps are characterized by the lowest high -working distinguishing features. Their main features also include the high steepness of the QH curve and the possibility of work, even when there is a large amount of gases in the liquid or there is a strongly developed cavitation. It is worth remembering that peripheral pumps should always be launched with an open pressing valve.

Main application

Due to its construction, the peripheral pump cannot be used in all conditions. Their mechanism works efficiently only in clean water, i.e. one that is devoid of pollution, including various types of shards, solids, abrasive or fibrous bodies. If the elements mentioned above are in the pumped liquid, a failure or complete damage to the mechanism may occur. It is also important that water does not contain harmful chemicals that could cause a corrosion process.

Considering the above conditions, where we can use a peripheral pump? It will be useful especially in households, greenhouses, summer houses or small industry. Perfect for irrigation of gardens, lawns, or when filling and emptying water tanks. Perigraval pumps can also be used in car wash, fountains and pools, i.e. wherever water supply is needed.

Peripheral pump - construction

The concept of construction can be divided into two main parts: the hydraulic part and the engine necessary for operation. The peripheral pump is, as we mentioned, the vortex pump, usually a single -stage and monoblock, sucking in the horizontal axis and pressing vertically upwards. Most of the standard proposals are based on elements such as a suction storage, cast iron body, pump rotor, ceramic tailor, rubber unit, ball bearings, a shaft made of stainless steel, discharge connector, cast iron cover-cover and clamping box.

When choosing a pump that will meet our needs, it is worth considering primarily its parameters. Some of them include Mechanism efficiency, lifting height, maximum working pressure, maximum factor temperature, maximum suction height, as well as the diameter of connections.

Our offer

If you are looking for a pump that will fulfill its task over the years, check our offer. One of the proposals you will find in our store is Depth Pryp Post -District 4SKM Inox. What distinguishes this model? Thanks to its innovative structure and high -quality materials, our pump is reliable and maximally functional. To its advantages, we can also add the speed of assembly and disassembly, quietness and compact construction. The product is also energy -saving and equipped with thermal protection. The hydraulic part is made of stainless steel, and the set includes a 15-meter power cable. Today, find out how this and other peripheral pump models can make your life easier.

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