Czy pompy głębinowe są odporne na piasek?

Deep pumps are innovative devices that are widely used to pump utility or drinking water directly from borehouses and spinal wells. Depending on our needs, we can choose between different types, which are different in terms of parameters and available functionalities. However, each proposal is durable and solid, which is possible thanks to the use of high quality materials and the use of modern construction solutions. However, are deep -sea pumps resistant to sand? And does contact with him damage their mechanism, and thus do not interfere with the use process? You can find the answer to these questions in our article.

Pumps and sand resistance

In most pumps available, the manufacturer warns that contact with sand may negatively affect the operation of the device. This happens despite the fact that the pump is based on the right materials. Most pumps cannot be in contact with the so -called Dirty water, i.e. one that contains adverse impurities - including sand. Why is this happening? The reason is a pump plumb, which consists primarily of rotors and diffusers strictly installed on the shaft. If the sand gets through the so -called The connector, individual molecules will be introduced between the above -mentioned elements of the hydraulics. This, in turn, will lead to the blurring of the device and its failure, and sometimes even complete corruption.

Innovative solution

However, it turns out that deep -sea pumps They are based on another, more advanced principle of action. Their design is prepared for daily challenges, including pumping water, which contains smaller or larger amounts of sand. How is it possible that the design of depth pumps is resistant to this type of pollution? The key is three main elements. First of all, so -called deep pumps are used Floating rotors. Secondly, the whole system is made of extremely durable and engineering, abrasion -resistant materials and other minor mechanical damage. Thirdly, the distance between individual elements of the plumbing in the pump shaft has been increased, which increases its capabilities.

All this means that sand grains do not have direct contact with rotors and diffusers, which avoids their blur and destruction. Choosing a deep pump Tailored to our needs, it is worth checking its description and technical data to know what the permissible sand content per one water unit is.

Our offer

If you're looking for deep pump, which will perform its function perfectly, and it will work in the case of sand present in the water, you've come to the right place. In our offer you will find deep pumps IBO Italy, which combine many functions and are called "for special tasks". Individual models are also distinguished by increased sand resistance, which makes them work even in difficult conditions. Their use can take place not only in single -family homes, but also in various types of industrial plants and farms. All our suggestions have been produced in Italy, which is why they are based on the best components and modern technological solutions. On our website you will find proposals for both owners of small houses or recreational plots, water supply installations, irrigation systems, as well as for professional use in this fire protection installations and industry.

Particular attention should be given to 4SDM, 4SD anti -pias deep pumps, which will work in all conditions. These proposals are equipped with a special mechanism that does not blur during use. So they are a great solution to problems that most often appear in connection with deep wells.

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