Rodzaje pomp z rozdrabniaczem

Types of pumps with a shredder

brudna woda
Specific pumps are devices that are used for pumping or pumping clean or dirty water. They find their use in industry and as an element of sanitary...
Zasady eksploatacji pompy głębinowej

Principles of depths of the deep pump

pompy głębinowe
Deept pumps are perfect for using vertebral wells. Pumps are mounted in special cover pipes. The pumps have a cooling coat installed. The role of m...
Akcesoria do pomp. Przegląd rozwiązań

Accessories for pumps. Review of solutions

In our assortment you can find not only a wide selection of high -quality pumps for various applications (including, among others, water pumps, sew...
Pompy do skroplin. Charakterystyka

Condensate pumps. Characteristic

Condenses are special devices designed to pump the condensate of water from devices such as air conditioners, condensing heating boilers or refrige...
Najważniejsze parametry pomp obiegowych

The most important parameters of the circulation pumps

kotły grzewcze
The circulation pump is a device that is used to generate liquid circulation in central heating installations, as well as other heating systems and...
Pompy do wody brudnej w zastosowaniach domowych

Dirty water pumps in home applications

brudna woda
Dirty water pumps belong to the group submersible pumps (immersion), which are intended for pumping and pumping water or sewage. They are used in b...
Jak działa hydrofor?

How does the hydrophore work?

The hydrophore is a pressure tank, whose task is to keep the installation at a constant level. It is often referred to as hydrophore tank, pressure...
Jak zorganizować łazienkową przepompownię ścieków?

How to organize a bathroom sewage pumping station?

Homemade sewage pumping stations are the best solution wherever sewage disposal is difficult or even impossible for various reasons. Thanks to them...
Zakup pompy wodnej. Jakiej firmie warto zaufać?

Purchase of a water pump. What company should you trust?

Deep or immersion pumps are irreplaceable in single -family houses, on recreational plots, in agriculture and industry. What are the most important...
Jakich pomp używa się do prób ciśnieniowych?

What pumps are used for pressure tests?

kotły grzewcze
Pressure tests are performed during tightness tubular tests of tubular installations - heating, water, oil, solar systems, boilers and pressure tan...