Pompy do skroplin. Charakterystyka

Condenses are special devices designed to pump the condensate of water from devices such as air conditioners, condensing heating boilers or refrigeration equipment. They stand out relatively small sizes and operate in an automated manner, so they require users minimal commitment. At the same time, they play a very important role wherever condensation is inevitable.

Condenses - the most important functions

Clerage must be successively removed in the case of various air conditioning, refrigeration or heating devices, otherwise there may be problems with their efficient operation and defects in general technical condition. However, damage to devices is not the only consequence of the lack of a proper condensate discharge system. In extreme cases, there may even be a violation of the structure of the entire building. In addition, condensing water vapor can pose a serious threat to people staying in such rooms.

Condensate pump, a relatively small device can effectively protect us from this type of problems.

Provided by our company condensate pump It provides very quiet operation and easy assembly. Effectively and quickly removes water condensate, draining condensate to the appropriate drain. Installation does not damage the building in any way, and its operation is practically imperceptible to users. The solid design of the pump makes it A device designed for many years of trouble -free operation Even in a very limited space.

Where is the condensate pump recommended?

Condensate pump should be mounted primarily where it is not possible to discharge condensate with gravitational methods. And such restrictions exist relatively often, because the installation must meet several important conditions. First of all, it is necessary to use the condensate discharge cables, which should be conducted with a decrease in 1-2%/1MB. If we do not meet this basic requirement, it is worth using a condensate pump.

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