Czy pompy głębinowe mogą pompować wodę pitną?

Can deep pumps pump drinking water?

Water is an amazing substance that life is impossible without. Its surprising properties are even the subject of research by scientists. I must adm...
Pompa peryferalna. Co to takiego?

Peripheral pump. What is that?

pompa peryferalna
In every field, we strive for efficiency and faster action. To achieve these goals, we must use tools tailored to a given situation. Each of them h...
Pompy jedno i wielostopniowe. Porównanie

Single and multi -stage pumps. Comparison

Water is the basis of our lives on earth. Of course, we don't always say this word we mean something that we can use to drink. We refer to the liqu...
Pompy zatapialne w zastosowaniach przemysłowych

Specific pumps in industrial applications

brudna woda
Industry is a field in which effects count. Of course, to achieve the intended goal, you need tools that combine reliability and excellent quality....
Montaż pompy głębinowej bez tajemnic

Installation of a deep pump without secrets

brudna woda
Deep pumps are devices for special tasks that can work several or even a dozen or so meters underground. They are irreplaceable in many situations:...
Pompy cyrkulacyjne w układach c.w.u.

Circulation pumps in domestic hot water systems

kotły grzewcze
Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine functioning without hot water. We care about comfort, and access to hot water is an undoubtedly affecting the ...
Nieprawidłowa praca pompy obiegowej – objawy

Incorrect work of the circulation pump - symptoms

Any, even the most modern design, can fail and start acting incorrectly. Problems related to broadly understood functioning concern, among others h...
Stosowanie pomp obiegowych – kiedy trzeba?

The use of circulation pumps - when needed?

kotły grzewcze
Circulation pumps are one of the most important elements of a modern heating system. Generally speaking, their main task is to cause liquid flow in...
Na jakie parametry pomp zatapialnych warto zwrócić uwagę przed zakupem?

What parameters of up -to -date pumps should you pay attention to before buying?

brudna woda
There are many situations that require the use of submersible pumps. They are used both in households and in industry or agriculture. These are eff...
W jaki sposób uniezależnić się od sieci wodociągowej?

How to become independent of the water supply network?

It is hard to imagine functioning nowadays without access to running water. And although the vast majority of households have access to the water s...