Grupa Pompowa IBO GP MIX T – gwarancja stabilnej temperatury

Grupa Pompowa IBO GP MIX T – gwarancja stabilnej temperatury

kotły grzewcze
Grupa Pompowa IBO GP MIX T to sprawdzone rozwiązanie dla instalacji grzewczych – zarówno podłogowych, jak i grzejnikowych. Dzięki możliwości stałeg...
Dlaczego zawory antyzamrożeniowe są niezbędne w pompach ciepła?

Why are anti -urbel valves necessary in heat pumps?

Anti -urbeting valves in heat pump installations play a key role in protecting the system against damage caused by the freezing of the medium. They...
Ochrona układów grzewczych za pomocą filtrów magnetycznych

Protection of heating systems with magnetic filters

Magnetic filters for central heating are elements that significantly increase the life of heating installations, protecting them against harmful im...
Pompy obiegowe w instalacjach c.o.

Circulation pumps in central heating installations

kotły grzewcze
The circulation pump is a type of vortex pump and is used to cause liquid flow in heating and cooling installations. Otherwise it can be said that ...
Do czego służą zbiorniki przeponowe?

What are the diaphragm tanks for?

Diaphragm tanks are membrane expansion vessels that protect water supply systems against sudden pressure increase. They are used in closed heating,...
Najważniejsze parametry pomp obiegowych

The most important parameters of the circulation pumps

kotły grzewcze
The circulation pump is a device that is used to generate liquid circulation in central heating installations, as well as other heating systems and...
Jakich pomp używa się do prób ciśnieniowych?

What pumps are used for pressure tests?

kotły grzewcze
Pressure tests are performed during tightness tubular tests of tubular installations - heating, water, oil, solar systems, boilers and pressure tan...
Pompy cyrkulacyjne w układach c.w.u.

Circulation pumps in domestic hot water systems

kotły grzewcze
Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine functioning without hot water. We care about comfort, and access to hot water is an undoubtedly affecting the ...
Nieprawidłowa praca pompy obiegowej – objawy

Incorrect work of the circulation pump - symptoms

Any, even the most modern design, can fail and start acting incorrectly. Problems related to broadly understood functioning concern, among others h...
Stosowanie pomp obiegowych – kiedy trzeba?

The use of circulation pumps - when needed?

kotły grzewcze
Circulation pumps are one of the most important elements of a modern heating system. Generally speaking, their main task is to cause liquid flow in...