Deszczownia szpulowa IBO: nowoczesne rozwiązania nawadniające dla rolników

IBO Szpulowa Rainwater: Modern irrigation solutions for farmers

Spring drought is a serious challenge for farmers, leading to delayed and uneven emergence of arable crops. Lack of adequate amount of water can ha...
Pompy zatapialne w nawadnianiu ogrodu

Specific pumps in garden irrigation

brudna woda
A manicured, green garden is a showcase of your property. The correct growth of plants, shrubs and trees will be provided by an irrigation system. ...
Wydajność pompy głębinowej. Od czego zależy?

Deep pump performance. What does it depend on?

pompy głębinowe
The deep pumps are placed in wells wherever it is not possible to connect to the water supply. In this way, you can safely deliver water to the bui...
Jak dbać o pompy wodne?

How to care for water pumps?

brudna woda
Water pumps are able to replace waterworks and sewage systems. Thanks to them, it is possible to supply drinking water to the house, bring it a str...
Błędy popełniane przy doborze pomp głębinowych

Errors made when choosing deep pumps

Single-family houses that do not have access to water and sewage connections are forced to obtain water in a different way. The solution can be a d...
Czy pompy głębinowe mogą pompować wodę pitną?

Can deep pumps pump drinking water?

Water is an amazing substance that life is impossible without. Its surprising properties are even the subject of research by scientists. I must adm...
Pompy zatapialne w zastosowaniach przemysłowych

Specific pumps in industrial applications

brudna woda
Industry is a field in which effects count. Of course, to achieve the intended goal, you need tools that combine reliability and excellent quality....
Pompy odwodnieniowe, a oczyszczanie oczek wodnych

Drainage pumps and water pumps

brudna woda
A well -groomed pond is a decoration of any garden. Crystal clear water allows you to display plants and even colorful fish. Unfortunately, it ofte...
Czym powinien się charakteryzować silnik do pompy głębinowej?

What should a deep pump engine characterize?

pompy głębinowe
Deeply pumps find various applications. They are used both in industry and in private households and agricultural farms, allowing for effective sup...
Na jakie parametry pomp zatapialnych warto zwrócić uwagę przed zakupem?

What parameters of up -to -date pumps should you pay attention to before buying?

brudna woda
There are many situations that require the use of submersible pumps. They are used both in households and in industry or agriculture. These are eff...