Jaka pompa głębinowa będzie najlepsza dla domu jednorodzinnego?

Owners of single -family houses that are not connected to the water supply network must make a decision regarding the supply of a house with water. Quite often, the choice falls on the well. And although many people still associate with troublesome operation, the times of buckets and crank have already become a thing of the past. All you need is a properly selected deep pump to be able to use water under the right pressure at all water intake points. Read what deep pump will be the best for a single -family home.

Deep pump serves for extracting pure water from high depths. It is used to wells, whose depth exceeds 8 meters, as well as to water reservoirs. Its most important feature is Possibility to produce high pressure, thanks to which it provides an appropriate stream at all water intake points. Most often it is characterized by a compact structure - it has the form of a longitudinal cylinder in which the engine and hydraulic system are located. However, to fulfill its functions well, it must be selected individually. However, there is no unambiguous answer to the question what pump will be the best for a single -family house, because several factors should be taken into account. First of all, you need to determine the lifting height, soil and water conditions, water demand, as well as the type of well with the diameter and depth of the well and the distance from the building.

- Lifting height This is one of the most important parameters, because it determines the pressure to be generated by a pump taking into account about 20% of line and local losses. It is therefore the difference between the highest liquid receiver and the water mirror. To choose the right pump power, you need to measure the distance from the water mirror to the water connection in the building, and then from the connection to the highest acceptance point. Both values ​​need to be added to each other, adding 20% ​​geometric lifting height and 20 meters additionally, thanks to which the correct value of the required tap pressure will be maintained. Thanks to this, we will be sure that the pump will be selected for a specific demand.

- are also important soil and water conditions on the plot. It is certainly worth knowing at what depth the aquifer is located, whether there are large fluctuations in level, and above all, what is the quality of water. This will be of particular importance if it turns out that it is characterized by a high content of sand, because you will have to choose a pump with the right parameters and strengthened design.

- for the pump to work effectively, it must also be adapted to type of well. It is extremely important that the diameter of the pump is less than the diameter of the cover pipe, which is part of the deep well. This will not only allow free installation of the device, but also forced water to run at the pump and ensure better cooling of the engine.

- The last factor that should affect the selection of the pump is the term water demand. To this end, you should consider the number and type of water intake points, as well as the required pressure. Only then will it be possible to choose a pump with a specific performance.

The deep pump will only work fully if it is selected individually. To choose the best pump for a single -family home, it is worth using the advice of sellers and producers who will analyze all factors and help make the best choice.

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