Pompy z rozdrabniaczem. Kiedy warto je stosować?

Pumps with a shredder. When is it worth using them?

Pumps are devices commonly used in industry and households. Their integral element is the engine that drives the working tool that produces the nec...
Walory użytkowe pomp zatapialnych

Utility values ​​of submersible pumps

brudna woda
Specific or immersion pumps are one of two types of drainage pumps. These devices are commonly used to remove sewage, septic tanks, dirty water and...
Pompy zatapialne w nawadnianiu ogrodu

Specific pumps in garden irrigation

brudna woda
A manicured, green garden is a showcase of your property. The correct growth of plants, shrubs and trees will be provided by an irrigation system. ...
Pompy zatapialne w zastosowaniach przemysłowych

Specific pumps in industrial applications

brudna woda
Industry is a field in which effects count. Of course, to achieve the intended goal, you need tools that combine reliability and excellent quality....
Pompy odwodnieniowe, a oczyszczanie oczek wodnych

Drainage pumps and water pumps

brudna woda
A well -groomed pond is a decoration of any garden. Crystal clear water allows you to display plants and even colorful fish. Unfortunately, it ofte...
Pompa do szamba a pompa do brudnej wody - czym się od siebie różnią?

Citama pump and pump for dirty water - how do they differ from each other?

brudna woda
Both the need to deal with dirty water and sewage is not a pleasure. For this reason, solutions that would facilitate this task are constantly look...
Co to jest kawitacja i jak jej zapobiegać?

What is cavitation and how to prevent it?

Cavitation is an undesirable and harmful phenomenon, but unfortunately often ignored. It should be counted, because it can lead, among others for t...
Na jakie parametry pomp zatapialnych warto zwrócić uwagę przed zakupem?

What parameters of up -to -date pumps should you pay attention to before buying?

brudna woda
There are many situations that require the use of submersible pumps. They are used both in households and in industry or agriculture. These are eff...
Jak radzić sobie ze skutkami zalania domu przez intensywne opady?

How to deal with the effects of flooding the house through heavy rainfall?

brudna woda
We live in a climate where heavy rainfall can accompany us for several months a year. And although they are sometimes desirable, they can also have...
Co robić w przypadku zalania garażu lub piwnicy?

What to do when flooding a garage or basement?

There is no doubt that rain is needed. Unfortunately, numerous weather anomalies make them sometimes too intense and threaten not only agricultural...