Oferta Dambat - od pompy do pracy z materiałem ścierającym aż po pompy CO/CWU

Oferta Dambat - od pompy do pracy z materiałem ścierającym aż po pompy CO/CWU

Praca z wodą zawierającą materiały ścierne, takie jak piasek, wymaga odpowiednio dobranego sprzętu, który poradzi sobie z ekstremalnymi warunkami e...
Zastosowanie i zasada działania pomp głębinowych

Application and principle of operation of deep pumps

Deept pumps are adapted to work in water and allow liquid pumping from very large depths. Installation of deep -sea pumps is necessary, among other...
Czy pompa głębinowa może ulec zardzewieniu?

Can the deep pump rinse?

The deep pump, as the name suggests, is used to extract water from high depths. To work, she must be under water all the time. Therefore, some user...
Najważniejsze parametry pompy głębinowej

The most important parameters of the deep pump

The deep pump is one of many types of pressure pumps. It is used to pump water from very high depths. It has a screw or monoblock structure and wor...
Silnik głębinowy - gwarant niezawodnego działania pompy

Deep -sea engine - a guarantee of reliable operation of the pump

The deep -sea engine is an electrical device for propelled immersion pump. It is filled with non -toxic oil or liquid resistant to freezing. Perfec...
Zasady eksploatacji pompy głębinowej

Principles of depths of the deep pump

pompy głębinowe
Deept pumps are perfect for using vertebral wells. Pumps are mounted in special cover pipes. The pumps have a cooling coat installed. The role of m...
Zakup pompy wodnej. Jakiej firmie warto zaufać?

Purchase of a water pump. What company should you trust?

Deep or immersion pumps are irreplaceable in single -family houses, on recreational plots, in agriculture and industry. What are the most important...
Wydajność pompy głębinowej. Od czego zależy?

Deep pump performance. What does it depend on?

pompy głębinowe
The deep pumps are placed in wells wherever it is not possible to connect to the water supply. In this way, you can safely deliver water to the bui...
Jak dbać o pompy wodne?

How to care for water pumps?

brudna woda
Water pumps are able to replace waterworks and sewage systems. Thanks to them, it is possible to supply drinking water to the house, bring it a str...
Pompa głębinowa czy hydrofor. Co wybrać?

Deep pump or hydrophore. What to choose?

Efficient sewage disposal in single-family houses is the basis of a well-functioning plumbing system. In many cases, it is not possible to connect ...