Nieprawidłowa praca pompy obiegowej – objawy

Incorrect work of the circulation pump - symptoms

Any, even the most modern design, can fail and start acting incorrectly. Problems related to broadly understood functioning concern, among others h...
Stosowanie pomp obiegowych – kiedy trzeba?

The use of circulation pumps - when needed?

kotły grzewcze
Circulation pumps are one of the most important elements of a modern heating system. Generally speaking, their main task is to cause liquid flow in...
Pompy cyrkulacyjne jako wygodny sposób na ciepłą wodę z kranu

Circulation pumps as a convenient way to warm tap water

kotły grzewcze
DHW installations are becoming an increasingly popular solution. Thanks to the use of CO boiler or other installations, e.g. solar panels, we can u...
Jak pompa obiegowa może zwiększyć energooszczędność instalacji?

How can the circulation pump increase the energy efficiency of the installation?

kotły grzewcze
Each owner of the property wants to use it on the one hand, and on the other to allow savings. So you look for solutions that are effective and at ...
Planujesz modernizację instalacji grzewczej? Pomyśl o pompie obiegowej

Are you planning to modernize the heating system? Think about the circulation pump

kotły grzewcze
The effectiveness of operation is expected primarily from the heating installation. For this reason, sometimes old installations require modernizat...
Zasady doboru pomp obiegowych do potrzeb użytkowników

Rules for the selection of circulation pumps for the needs of users

It is hard to imagine the functioning of modern heating or refrigeration systems without the use of circulation pumps. They affect the increase in ...