Na jakie parametry pomp zatapialnych warto zwrócić uwagę przed zakupem?

What parameters of up -to -date pumps should you pay attention to before buying?

brudna woda
There are many situations that require the use of submersible pumps. They are used both in households and in industry or agriculture. These are eff...
Jak radzić sobie ze skutkami zalania domu przez intensywne opady?

How to deal with the effects of flooding the house through heavy rainfall?

brudna woda
We live in a climate where heavy rainfall can accompany us for several months a year. And although they are sometimes desirable, they can also have...
Do czego służy rozdrabniacz w pompach do szamba?

What is the shredder in the septic tank pumps for?

brudna woda
Many real estate has no connection to the sewage system. Therefore, the owners must make a decision regarding the removal and collection of sewage....
Co robić w przypadku zalania garażu lub piwnicy?

What to do when flooding a garage or basement?

There is no doubt that rain is needed. Unfortunately, numerous weather anomalies make them sometimes too intense and threaten not only agricultural...
Do jakich zadań najczęściej wykorzystuje się pompy zatapialne?

For what tasks are submersible pumps most often used?

brudna woda
Various pumps are used both in households and in industry or agriculture. There is a very large selection of devices of this type on the market tha...
Pompa do szamba z rozdrabniaczem - czym się kierować przy wyborze?

Shambper pump with a shredder - what to consider when choosing?

brudna woda
The cesspool is the most popular and cheapest solution used by people who do not have a connection to the sewage system. The only operating cost is...
Jak się dzielą pompy zatapialne?

How do the submersible pumps divide?

brudna woda
Lack of connection to the water supply network most often prompts home owners to buy a septic tank. This is one of the simplest solutions that allo...