Jak podłączyć hydrofor? Porady montażowe

Thanks to the hydrophores, we get and maintain a constant water pressure in the house, which has no connection with the overall water supply network. When installing a hydrophore, we should remember to place it in a building or in a basement, avoiding overheating or freezing water. Connecting the hydrophore to the well and to water installations at home is not complicated and everyone can do it themselves.

Hydrophore assembly

Hydrophore installation It is not complicated provided that all the principles of subsequent stages of assembly are observed.

Installation stages look as follows:

  1. Installation of the suction pipe in deep well

The suction pipe is recessed into the well. We screw the check valve, a pipe connector and a strainer to the end of the suction pipe and seal the whole with Teflon tape. When the suction dragon is twisted, we throw it into a deep well.

  1. Installation of a check valve and a rotor protection filter

We connect the sealed with Teflon tape a check valve to the hydrophore (the valve is designed to protect against backing of water from the tank to the pipe). Then we screw a special filter to protect the pump rotors.

  1. Installation of dry work protection

We install special protection against dry work to the hydrophore, which will stop the pump operation if there is no access to water. The device is sealed with Teflon tape and screw in the right place to the hydrophore.

  1. Connecting a hydrophore to the well

The next stage is the installation of a ball valve, which allows you to cut off the water supply in the event of a failure. We screw it in the right place to a hydrophore protecting the hydrophore against work.

  1. Installation of the supply pipe of the water supply network at home

When the ball valve is already mounted, we screw the power pipe to it, which brings water to the water supply system at home. We always install the pipe above the ball valve so that in the event of a failure, it is easy to cut off the water supply to the household installations.

  1. Installation of a suction pipe for a hydrophore

Then connect the suction pipe. It is long and stiff, so an additional flexible pipe is used to connect it. Solidly screw the tip of the suction pipe to one end of the flexible pipe, and the second end of the loose pipe to the appropriate hydrophore input with a check valve and a filter protecting the rotors.

  1. Starting and adjusting the hydrophore

Fill the entire installation with water and start the pump. We regulate the pressure switch so that it manages the pump work properly.

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