Pompy zatapialne w nawadnianiu ogrodu

Specific pumps in garden irrigation

brudna woda
A manicured, green garden is a showcase of your property. The correct growth of plants, shrubs and trees will be provided by an irrigation system. ...
Wypompowywanie wody z zalanych pomieszczeń. Jak to zrobić?

Pumping water from flooded rooms. How to do it?

Flooding a room is an event that affects us unexpectedly. It can occur for many reasons, including due to thaws, violent rainfall, water supply fai...
Jak radzić sobie ze skutkami zalania domu przez intensywne opady?

How to deal with the effects of flooding the house through heavy rainfall?

brudna woda
We live in a climate where heavy rainfall can accompany us for several months a year. And although they are sometimes desirable, they can also have...
Co robić w przypadku zalania garażu lub piwnicy?

What to do when flooding a garage or basement?

There is no doubt that rain is needed. Unfortunately, numerous weather anomalies make them sometimes too intense and threaten not only agricultural...